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A holistic way to improving your health.

Available Treatments

Vinod Rajalakshmi the founder of Gurudaya. This center is the heart of Pranic Healing , Reiki, Psychic Reading, Mantra Healing, Acupressure with oil massage. She conceptualized a fresh and far deeper understanding of energy healing, using the readily available source of all life - Prana, called Pranic Energy or Vital Life Force. Sampoornam is a small piece of heaven on earth. It is well rounded with beautiful people, location and ambience. 


Pranic Healing is a simple method of healing and curing all issues of Life be it Physical, Emotional or Mind related. The most astounding cures possible through PRANIC HEALING are: Diabetes, Kidney problem, Liver problem, Heart ailments, Asthma, Hypertension, Low B.P., Blood disorders, Rheumatism, Osteoarthritis, Urinary infections, Menstrual problems, Cysts, Mental retardation, Stress, Depression, Addiction, Constipation, Digestive disorders and many more. 

  • Pranic Healing

  • Reiki  

  • Psychic Reading

  • Mantra Healing

  • Acupressure with oil massage

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